So, I needed a different running challenge for 2019.
I’ve never found anything as challenging for me as the marathon distance. I’m a very sweaty runner, so the late stages of a 26.2 mile run, are hard… very hard. My blood pressure drops, my heart rate rises, and I usually feel like I never want to do another marathon ever.
I’m sure in my 7 marathons I’ve run before 2019, I’ve retired from running them 4 times. Who knows how many more retirements there will be in 2019.
So the challenge in 2019, is to run 12 marathons, one per calendar month if possible.
That might not be the most challenging schedule, some people run a marathon every day. However it does pose some interesting challenges, in terms of staying ‘marathon fit’ for the whole year and staying injury free.
I’ve set up this site to give a focal point for me to send people to that might be interested in supporting or sponsoring me, but I will also blog along the way about training, and will review the different events that I’m running. Hopefully some people might find something interesting to read!